home > universities by region > Northern Territory > Charles Darwin University
CRICOS Provider Code: 00300K
Charles Darwin University (CDU) is an Australian public university and is one of Australia's strongly multicultural universities and is deeply engaged with Indigenous people and culture. No other single Australian university serves such a large area of the continent, with the Northern Territory campus locations showcasing the best of a tropical cosmopolitan lifestyle. It was established in 2003 after the merger of Northern Territory University (NTU) of Darwin with the Menzies School of Health Research and Centralian College of Alice Springs, and was named after Charles Darwin, the celebrated English naturalist. In a relatively short space of time, CDU has developed a reputation as one of the most innovative teaching and learning, and most research-intensive universities in Australia. CDU qualifications are recognised globally, and graduates are highly valued and sought after. CDU is a member of the group of seven Innovative Research Universities in Australia.
Academic Language and Learning
Creative Arts and Humanities
Engineering and Information Technology
Indigenous Knowledges and Public Policy
Psychological and Clinical Sciences
Destination Australia Scholarships for International Students
This scholarship is provided to financially assist the international students who choose to study in regional Australia
Vice-Chancellor’s International High Achievers Scholarships
This scholarship is offered to international students who have record of academic excellence and high achievement.
1st (graduate salary)
CDU has highest average income among graduates
2nd (graduate employment in Australia)
According to Times World University Comprehensive Rankings, Charles Darwin University ranks among the top 2% of the world's universities.